Posts, Brackets & Hardware
Stay Safe Traffic Products offers all components for a complete and compliant installation

U-Channel Post:
8', 10', 12' lengths with a gauge of 2 #/lf. Available in green and galvanized. Lap-splice post systems are also available with the 3’ anchor post and accompanying breakaway connecting hardware.

Round Post:
10' and 12' lengths with a 2-3/8 O.D. schedule 5 (.064 thickness) galvanized; Schedule 40 pipe is also available.

Square Post:
1.75", 2.0", 2.25" top post in 10’ and 12’ lengths with accompanying 4’ stub post (.25” wider than the top post) and equivalent connecting hardware.

Delineator Posts:
Available in the 1.12#/lf galvanized steel u-channel, or in flexible material. Available from 3’ to 6’. Flexible posts are available with surface mount or sub-surface mount.

Whether a cap bracket to fit the post, or a cantilever wing bracket for a utility pole, we have them ready to ship.

Although no such thing as vandal-proof, we do carry vandal-resistant hardware. One-Way and Carriage bolts with Break-Away nuts assist greatly to keeping your signs in place.